
Mystery Shopping Programs

“Treat all your customers as they are mystery shoppers” – Anonymous.

Mystery Shopping Programs are one of the most useful tools to improve service performance. Since 2010 we provide Mystery Shopping and Mystery Calling to the biggest companies in Albania.Mystery Shopping is intended for all companies who care about how their customers are treated by their employees and recognize the importance of a satisfied customer.

We provide the best Mystery Programs because our processes are tailor-made and ensure the maximum data gathering accuracy followed by special reports that fit to our customers’ needs.

Mystery Shopping Benefits:

  • They help you evaluate objectively and much more effectively the customer experience in your company.
  • Evaluate How Staff is Performing. If your business relies on interactions between clients and employees, you need a way to assess how the employee responds to your clients. Evaluating the customers experience through a Mystery shopping program is a powerful tool to evaluate how your staff is dealing with your customers and if they are performing at the standards expected of them.
  • Employee Development Tool. Mystery shops are used to improve a company’s operations and employees. The results from the analysis of Mystery shopping can be used to create training tools for employee development. Ongoing training is essential for businesses. It is important to address the areas needed for development or to invest in those areas that have the potential to develop.
  • Competitive intelligence. You can also perform this process for your competitor by evaluating and analyzing what you can do to be always one step ahead. The Mystery shopping can make the same visit to your competitors by comparing the two experiences of employees / clients so you can learn what can be done to differentiate from other similar brands.

Our processes include:

  • Needs Analysis
  • Each project begins with a detailed analysis to determine what your goals are and what you intend to achieve from this process, how you will use the results, etc. Based on this data, our Consultants will design a personalized Mystery shopping program to suit your needs.

  • Mystery Shoppers Training;
  • All shoppers are well trained on the specifics of each mystery shopping assignment. The training includes detailed instructions to ensure that shoppers are prepared to react to any kind of situation they may encounter, while maintaining maximum confidentiality.

  • Mystery Visits
  • Based on your requirements, shoppers will visit stores, companies or conduct appraisals over the phone. They will behave like typical customers of your business, and will observe and report the specific operations and employee behaviours that have been identified as critical to your company’s success.

    Shoppers complete the questionnaire and note important details about the customer experience in your business outlining the realistic situations your employees may experience.

  • Data recording and control;
  • All data collected from the mystery visits are processed by statistical experts and analyzed to generate the final report that will be presented to you.

  • Reports and analysis.
  • The report will summarize all the data from which you can easily identify the highest performing teams or branches as well as identify the key problems and issues that need to be addressed to enhance the performance of your business

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