
Search and selection process

Procesi i kërkim dhe seleksionimit

1.Analysis of company’s needs:

The first thing we do before starting the search and selection process is a thorough analysis of the company’s needs. Together with your company we analyze the job content and demands as well as the conditions and framework that the new employee will be expected to be part of. This work creates the basis of the job profile.

Once we have a clear understanding of the positions needs, we get a start on the search for the right candidate through:

  • Direct search - Headhunting;
  • Indirect search;
  • EPPC network;
  • Candidate database.

Supported by:

  • Publication of job announcements on the EPPC webpage:;
  • Publication of job announcements on all job searching portals with which EPPC cooperates
  • Publication of job announcements on EPPC social media: Facebook and Linked In


  • Phone interview;
  • Face to face competency-based interview;
  • Panel interview;
  • Behavioral and personality assessment;
  • Specific tests depending on the job position;
  • Job Matching - Matching the candidate profile with the job position;
  • Cognitive / Reasoning Assessments;
  • References

2. Selection:

We evaluate candidates' profiles through a rigorous screening and interview process, including skills assessments and verification of all education, certifications, and references, before presenting a candidate to you. In case of need and consent with the company, we apply specific tests that measures candidate’s specific technical skills.


Once we have finished the interviews process and know who is suitable for the job, we then shortlist top candidates and prepare profiles ready to propose them to your company. A detailed evaluation report is prepared for each of the shortlisted candidates.

4.Support companies during the interview process with selected candidates:

Upon your request, we will assist your company and our expert recruiter will join your team in a panel interview with the selected candidates.