
TASC program

THE ART & SCIENCE OF COACHING™ is an ICF-Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP)* from the world’s leading organization for coach training. Whether you are an individual looking to become a professional life or business coach, or you are a leader in an organization looking to advance professionally, the program equips you with the most comprehensive Solution-Focused coaching skills, tools, and the highest level of coaching competence.

Through taking The Art & Science of Coaching you will develop a solid foundation in the theory and practice of Solution-Focused coaching. Fulfill your purpose to help others realize their potential and assist them to take actions that align with their bigger vision. As a Solution-Focused Coach, you will demonstrate key competencies that lead to meaningful and productive conversations. You will be to apply highly effective coaching methodologies to support positive and sustainable changes in others.

The Art & Science of Coaching - Program Curriculum

Erickson Coaching Guarantee

    Module I
    Upon completion of this Module of The Art & Science of Coaching, you will be able to:
  • Conduct a full Solution-Focused coaching conversation from beginning to end
  • Establish and demonstrate objectivity during coaching conversations
  • Use strategies for establishing intimacy and trust
  • Establish effective coaching session outcomes
  • Apply powerful questioning techniques to assist the coachee towards solutions and effective actions
  • Define the functions of the brain systems and their role in effective communication
  • Develop a positive self-image
  • Deliver developmental feedback using Solution-Focused principles

Online Delivery Module I Online is comprised of 11 live online WebEx sessions each lasting 3.25 hours with an expectation of approximately 45 minutes of outside class time work per online session. The first session is a welcome and orientation session providing you with all you need to effectively use our learning platform, participate fully in the online sessions and to have a clear roadmap of requirements of the program. Each of the lessons includes watching videos and participating in class blog discussions.

On-Site Delivery: Module I On-Site is a 4-day long program running 9:30am-5:30pm each day

    Module II
    Upon completion of this Module of The Art & Science of Coaching, you will be able to:
  • Apply coaching exercises to assist the coachee to prioritize effectively and maintain the discipline to complete them
  • Use strategies to assist the coachee to create and streamline a plan of action
  • Use visualization techniques for higher brain functioning
  • Apply approaches that encourage self-awareness and recognition of developing competencies
  • Use processes to support the coachee in developing mastery of a desired skill-set over the long-term
  • Enable the coachee to access their deeper knowledge and find solutions with specific exercises

Online Delivery: : Module II Online is comprised of 8 live online WebEx sessions each lasting 3.25 hours with an expectation of approximately 45 minutes of outside class time work per online session. This includes watching videos and making blog posts.

On-Site Delivery: Module II On-Site is a 4-day long program running 9:30am-5:30pm each day.

    Module III
    Upon completion of this Module of The Art & Science of Coaching, you will be able to:
  • Ask questions to discover and develop key values and intrinsic motivators
  • Utilize effective language to challenge the coachee beyond self-imposed obstacles
  • Apply various tools to assist the coachee to overcome productivity challenges
  • Use approaches to assist the coachee in developing emotional balance and to move past unwanted feelings
  • Utilize simple techniques to shift the coachee from a stress response to a resource state
  • Use specific techniques to hold the coachee accountable to their action plans and acknowledge their progress.

Online Delivery: Module III Online is comprised of 8 live online WebEx sessions each lasting 3.25 hours with an expectation of approximately 45 minutes of outside class time work per online session. This includes watching videos and making blog posts.

On-Site Delivery: Module III On-Site is a 4-day long program running 9:30am-5:30pm each day.

    Module IV
    Upon completion of this Module of The Art & Science of Coaching, you will be able to:
  • Design a plan to ensure successful achievement of desired coaching skills and application
  • Identify and distinguish levels of coaching proficiency - beginner, intermediate, and advanced
  • Create relevant questions in response to metaphors spoken by the coachee during the coaching session
  • Respond authentically and spontaneously to the coachee, in the moment, through powerful questioning
  • Communicate effectively in support of the coachee using language that has the greatest impact
  • Establish and maintain an environment which promotes the coachee's self-discovery

Online Delivery: Module IV Online is comprised of 8 live online WebEx sessions each lasting 3.25 hours with an expectation of approximately 45 minutes of outside class time work per online session. This includes watching videos and making blog posts.

On-Site Delivery: Module IV On-Site is a 4-day long program running 9:30am-5:30pm each day